منتجات (278)
- 20.000 KD
Radermachera is a genus of flowering plants native to Southeast Asia and China, known for its lush foliage and adaptability...
- 0.750 KD
إكليل الجبل ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) هو عشب دائم الخضرة ذو رائحة عطرية ينتمي إلى عائلة النعناع (Lamiaceae). يُعرف إكليل...
- 0.750 KD
Ruellia: Care and Growth Guide Ruellia, commonly known as Mexican Petunia, is a fast-growing and versatile plant, admired for its...
- 6.000 KD
Sansavera Scientific Name: Sansavera Height: Can grow between 60 cm to 1 meter Original Size: Pot Size: 18 cm Height:...
- 7.000 KD
Sansevieria Green, commonly referred to as Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law's Tongue, is a versatile and hardy indoor plant known for...